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Friday, July 10, 2009

Physical Activity, BMI and Asthma

After posting on the effect of weight or BMI on asthma yesterday, I noticed an article on the Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology on the role of physical activity and weight on adults with asthma. These investigators in Toronto, Canada surveyed asthmatic and non-asthmatic adults on their health care utilization, their level of physical activity and BMI. See abstract for details.

The authors concluded that higher physical activity levels was associated with lower usage of health care in both asthmatics and controls. They also determined that for those with asthma, higher physical activity had a positive impact on lessening overnight hospital stays, while BOTH BMI and physical activity had a positive influence on out-patient physician visits.

I've seen overprotective parents not allowing their children to participate in physical activities due to a fear of an exacerbation. The key is to aggressive asthma control so one can perform physical activities to the fullest. Obviously eating right and keeping the weight down are helpful, too.

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