From Reuters Health Information
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Feb 15 - A prescription pill approved in Europe for the treatment of grass pollen allergies seems to have lasting benefits, a new study finds.
The drug, called Grazax, offers an alternative to allergy shots. Dissolved under the tongue, the pills contain a small amount of grass-pollen extract. The drug is taken daily, starting several months before the start of the allergy season and continuing for three years thereafter.
In the new study, researchers looked at the medication's long-term effects in patients who had stopped using it after the recommended three years. They found that, compared with patients who had been given a placebo, Grazax users had one-quarter fewer hay fever symptoms one year after stopping the medication.
They also had less need for antihistamines and other allergy medications, according to a report in the January issue of the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
These longer-term findings, the researchers write, support Grazax as a treatment option for people whose hay fever symptoms fail to improve with standard medication.
Dr. Stephen R. Durham, of Imperial College London in the UK, led the study, which was funded by Denmark-based ALK-Abello, the maker of Grazax. Durham and several co-researchers on the study have received research grants and other funds from the drug company.
The findings are based on 257 adults with grass pollen allergies, confirmed through allergy tests. They were randomly assigned to take either Grazax or inactive placebo tablets every day, beginning four to eight months before the next grass pollen season. They continued the therapy for three years.
Over those three years and for one year after stopping the treatment, the patients rated their daily symptoms and allergy medication use.
During the year following treatment, patients in the Grazax group reported a 26 percent reduction in symptoms like congestion and itchy, watery eyes compared with the placebo group. They also had a 29 percent reduction in medication use and gave higher ratings to their quality of life.
Those differences were similar to those seen during the three years of active treatment, according to the researchers.
During the last year on treatment, 15 percent of Grazax patients had side effects believed to be caused by the treatment -- the most common being itching and swelling in the mouth, ear itchiness and throat irritation.
A clinical trial aimed at winning FDA approval for Grazax is currently underway.
J Allergy Clin Immunol 2010;125:131-138.
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Allergy Disease is MORE than ONE “Pill” for > GRASS !
ReplyDeleteALLERGY Disease > Is much MORE than ONE / Grass Offending Allergen.
It is the….
“Layer upon Layer upon Layer” of Multiple Offending Seasonal and Year-round Allergens i.e. Dust Mites, Cat, Cockroach, multiple Weed / Tree / Grass Pollens, Mold ….
Which > “ALL” Add Up > Layer upon Layer upon Layer > To create an Individuals ’ “ Total Allergy LOAD” > Which then crosses the Individual’s “Allergy Symptom ThresHold” Producing > Achoo !
To Neutralize just ONE Offending Seasonal Allergen is Like ….
> Killing just ONE Bee in a BeeHive of 45 BEE’s or More !
Most / ALL Allergy Sufferers are Allergic to 12-18 “Distinct / Different” > Offending Allergens !
To truly Neutralize the SOURCE of your Allergy Disease …
A TRIP to YOUR Trusted, “Just around the Corner” Primary Care Dr. is your First Step !
> Visit Your Primary Care Dr. for an Insurance Covered / Allergy Blood Test
> Which will Identify > Most / ALL of YOUR MAJOR Geo-Regional > Offending Seasonal & Year-round Allergens !
> Once ALL of YOUR Seasonal & Year-round Offending Allergens are Test ID’ed > Your Dr. CAN prescribe YOUR > Immuno-Allergy DROPs ( Think SHOTs But No OUCH !)
> Your contain Pure FDA Approved Extracts of What YOU are Allergic TO !
> As with OUCH ! > SHOTs > Slowly over Time YOUR Immune System is ReCaliberated >
> Your Offending Allergens are NEUTRALIZED at the Disease SOURCE > Producing Lasting, If Not Lifetime Health & Quality of Life Benefits that come with being Allergy FREE !
Friendly Reminder > STOP !
A LifeTime Consumption of Allergy MED’s > Which Only Mask SYMPTOMs > Leaving your Allergy Disease InTact to > Continue / Exacerbate UnAbated…
Taking YOU on a LifeTime, slippery slope of multiple “Allergy Driven Diseases, recalcitrant Health Issues & compromised Self Esteem / Quality of Life ( Achoo & OUCH ! ).
The TIME is NOW to visit YOUR Primary Care Dr and > !
Today’s ALLERGY Progression = Tomorrow’s Allergic ASTHMA !
Best Health = Wealth Regards,